Entrepreneurship, or in Malay language keusahawanan could be simply referring to someone who decides to start their own business, rather than being a salaried-paid worker. I personally do encourage everyone to give it a try; being an entrepreneur once in a while.
Now, before you decide on the types of business venture that you are interested with, please do consider the ONE important key question. The WHAT question. WHAT is the main criteria that determines a good business? Your unique business model? Good social networking? Niche product or service that you are offering? Aha! You are only halfway there.
While potential business investors may be looking solely on the profitability of your business model, and of course the easiness of working together with you yourself as the business owner, the key of success that determines the potential of your business lies somewhere further, beyond all these criteria. The most important criteria beyond all that, is the CORRECT TIMING. Your product or services offered may not be of the latest or most advanced technology-based, but it has to be brought to the market at the correct timing.
A clear example will be the recently super-duper hot selling like pancakes, the iPhone (and wow, typing iPhone isn't revealing any red underline beneath the word. Amazing!). There is no doubt that the iPhone engineers and team has done a marvelous job in producing their own software and hardware that changes the whole mobile phone revolutionary direction, its timing is also perfect. With the advancement in communication network, free accessible wi-fi everywhere, and of course the 3G platform, the power of the iPhone is optimized to a higher level. Some inventors may get their patented products piled-up under their bed for decades, before the right time arrives. The inventor of television (TV) waits for a long time, before someone invented broadcasting industry. See? the correct timing.
You can't push the globe. What you can do is to integrate your business with the way that the world is working. So wait for the right timing. We can't change and determine the market
So before you ask yourself "What am I going to offer to the market?", please ask yourself this question first. "Is now the correct timing for me to enter the market with my offer?". Then, you may develop, improve and expand your product or service phase by phase slowly.
I am not an entrepreneur myself, yet. I am saying these based on my personal observations and readings, and haha...most importantly I am a loyal fans of BBC's Dragons Den. I do hope this could be of any help to those of you out there, thinking to start-off your own business.
Multimillionaires investors from Britain in the Dragons Den